Whether you’re thinking about launching a business, started one recently or have been running one for years, completing a SWOT analysis is important.
A SWOT analysis helps you identify things that concern or excite you about the current and desired state of your business. Capturing these in a document, that you can refer back to, also frees up some valuable headspace as you won't have to try and remember important aspects of, or ideas around, your business.

It is easy to lose focus on what is important, especially if you are caught up in the day-to-day running of your business. A SWOT analysis offers you a snapshot of your business. It helps you identify aspects or resources that can be categorised as a strength, weakness, opportunity or threat.

After capturing your information, cross-reference items to help you identify operational and communication strategies that could help you work towards your business goals.
Here is a template you can use to help you get started.
Helping clients compile a communication strategy is one of the services that Pronk offers. Part of this process is completing a SWOT analysis in order to identify communication strategies that need to be translated into communication objectives. To learn more, book your online introductory session here or email us at info@pronk.capetown.